Lily pad
Play Therapy
Supporting children and those around them to understand and better manage their emotional health
Welcome to Lily Pad Play Therapy, I’m Rebecca. I provide Play Therapy in Surrey, online training for schools, parenting support sessions as well as online parent-child play sessions.

What we do
I offer Play and Creative Arts Therapy sessions to children and young people, online training to schools, parent support and parent-child play sessions.
Play therapy offers emotional support to children, young people and adults. It offers a safe, non-judgemental environment for a client to explore difficulties such as bereavement, parental separation/divorce, mental health difficulties, trauma, anger, anxiety/worry, physical ill-health, abuse and emotional dysregulation amongst others.
Sand play, art, drama, music and puppets all form part of the tool kit which every client has access too*. Work is primarily non-directive. Please visit the About Play Therapy page for more information.
*unless work is agreed prior to starting for it to be more directive see About Play Therapy
We offer Play Therapy to individuals and groups in Kingston, Surrey and surrounding areas.
Our training, parent support and parent-child sessions are nationwide and are hosted online.

What our clients have said...
“Rebecca encouraged my son to talk about his emotions in a way nobody has managed to before. She is very attuned, wise and kind and William loved his sessions with her. Most importantly, he trusts her implicitly” – Mother to 12 year old

“A huge thank you to Rebecca for working with us in such a difficult and sensitive time and making Arlo feeling at ease and able to attend. The relationship that has been formed in the first batch of sessions is something I’m sure will last over the years and has enabled myself and Arlo to feel comfortable to return as and when it may be needed” – Father to 5 year old
*names have been changed to protect client confidentiality
I hope you’ll find all you need on my website but should you have any queries please contact me.